It began with an idea. We all have the possibility of changing the world with the things we can affect. The small things matter and are responsible for the big impacts we want to see in our lives. Craft beer for us is a way to spread that message and is a way to extend an invitation to make our world a better, more inspired place to live.
A trimtab is honestly a very small, unassuming piece of equipment on ships and aircraft. It’s the small rudder on the larger rudder, and at first it doesn’t look like much. It almost looks insignificant. But it’s a metaphor for something much larger. The trimtab takes almost no effort to move, but creates huge impacts far beyond what its size would signify. It’s what pulls the larger rudder; Its what guides the ship. At the end of the day the trimtab is truly the source of how all direction and balance is achieved.
Buckminster Fuller — pioneering humanitarian and engineer, recognized this phenomenon and extended it as a metaphor for humanity. We see daunting challenges in our world, and the common response is to feel that they require solutions of similar scale; of similar magnitude. But the reality is that nature reveals the small source, the trim tab, as the true source of large lasting change. On Bucky’s tombstone, the epitaph simply states, “CALL ME TRIMTAB.”
You are a Trimtab. We each have the ability to make huge lasting impacts on the world, most notably with the small things in our reach. Craft beer is our way to spread that idea and to support the people, organizations, and ideas that embody small sources of big change.